Saturday, December 7, 2013

Run, Eat, Sleep and Read

With the weather yesterday, work was really slow. About 4am I had a snack.
Caffeine always helps in the middle of the night. Too bad the coffee I made tasted terrible. Thankfully my very sweet coworker brought me Starbucks before I left. The only caveat is that it probably kept me up. 

On Saturday mornings I try to head home and go straight to bed. The goal is to sleep until I wake up. Amazing concept, right?  Ideally that would be 4 or more hours. It doesn't often happen though because I usually wake up to pee.  Oh and I also have a super cute but super loud parakeet. 
I think Squeak should be renamed Shriek cuz that's what he was doing this morning. 

When I finally got up, albeit unwillingly, I still had to run for Day 10 of the RWRunStreak. My legs were sore and I was so tired and it was so cold out was absolutely beautiful! 
Like so many times before, I'm so glad I went. 

When I got home I thought I smelled steak so I had to get one for dinner. 

That's one of the huge challenges of shift work: the disruption of meals. I try not to eat big meals in the middle of the night but it also interferes with the timing of regular meals during the day. Like right now, I would prefer not to try and sleep with a belly full of food but I need to sleep some more before work. It's no wonder so many studies and reports indicate that shift workers tend to be overweight and unhealthy. Sleeping and eating get so messed up.  I'm just glad it's only a few nights for me and not full time. That would be really hard. But at least I have something to look forward to tonight. 
Gonna get my read on!

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